New Project: sunefishing
Better living conditions and environmental protection for oyster fisherwomen in The Gambia
Niedersächsische Bingo-Umweltstiftung supports VoltaViewAfrica gUG with 6520 euros to improve quality of life and environmental protection through e-mobility
Oyster fishing plays an important role in the local economy and culture in The Gambia. The women traditionally fish with hand or petrol-powered boats, but this is associated with considerable challenges. The work is tedious and time-consuming, the operating costs are high and the environmental impact of the combustion engines is considerable.
Our aim is to support the oyster fisherwomen’s co-operative in converting their boats to electric outboard motors powered by photovoltaics.
In The Gambia, oyster fishing has long characterised the tradition and economy. The women who do this work travel to the mangrove forests in simple wooden boats to catch and process oysters. As they do not have the money for outboard motors, they have to paddle with difficulty, which shortens their fishing time and reduces the already low yield, which is barely enough for their families to survive.
With sunefishing, we want to improve the situation of the women and at the same time increase the sustainability of fishing. Electric motors on the boats enable faster and more efficient journeys to the fishing grounds. The time gained means more fishing opportunities for the women and at the same time protection of the environment, as overfishing of individual areas is prevented.

In addition, the batteries of the electric motors can operate cool boxes so that the oysters stay fresh and do not spoil. This increases the quality of the catch and therefore the price that can be realised for the oysters.
The project has the potential to improve the living conditions of oyster fisherwomen in The Gambia and Senegal and at the same time revolutionise small boat fishing in the region.
Niedersächsische Bingo-Umweltstiftung supports environmental and nature conservation projects as well as projects in favour of development cooperation and the preservation of historical monuments. The foundation is financed by the gambling levy and above all by proceeds from the Bingo environmental lottery. Further information can be found at