Working together for a better future

Solutions for infrastructure problems in sub-Saharan Africa

People in sub-Saharan Africa are confronted with considerable infrastructure challenges on a daily basis. Affordable access to electricity, drinking water and mobility is often not available. This has a massive impact on quality of life and economic development.

The underlying basic technology was developed in Germany by renowned institutions such as the Fraunhofer HHI and the Clausthal University of Technology. The systems and components are manufactured and distributed by the start-up company VoltaMove GmbH. This collaboration enables us to develop and realise innovative and sustainable solutions.

Decentralised energy supply

Decentralised and solar-powered powerhouse systems supply both clean energy in the form of electricity and clean drinking water, both of which are fundamental prerequisites for successful economic development and achieving quality of life in rural areas of the sub-Saharan region.


Burning one litre of petrol in an engine or electricity generator produces around 2.4 kg of CO2. The conventional fossil-fuelled outboard motors of small boat fishermen, typically with 15 hp power, which can be found everywhere on the large central lakes of sub-Saharan Africa, the rivers and on the coasts, produce up to 10 tonnes ofCO2 per year and boat. It is estimated that there are several hundred thousand of these boats in sub-Saharan Africa alone, resulting inCO2 emissions of several million tonnes per year.

Mobile energy storage

In collaboration with VoltaMove, we present the Power Packs: Mobile energy storage units. These Power Packs offer a wide range of applications, whether for supplying power to electric vehicles or as an emergency power supply in remote regions. They impress with their fast charging time, easy transportability and robustness against dust and splash water.


Education is a key factor in the economic development of a society. The aim is to train qualified personnel in the long term who can take over the maintenance and servicing of the systems we have installed, but also to enable the manufacture and installation of these systems in the respective country (e.g. Gambia or Tanzania) in the future. This will create new, high-quality jobs in the country in the medium term.

Information material

In addition, we provide you with further information material such as flyers, video content and relevant scientific publications.